Last week I announced I just launched a website I was working on showcasing my pixel illustrations. is finally live! I've been working on this site during the extra classes I was taking at OCADu and I'm really happy that its done. It's the first version of the site so I'm still working on some improvements and definitely taking some suggestions so please do let me know. email at for any suggestions! Honestly it's been a nice change of pace changing up to this style of illustration. I'm still discovering some great techniques and some big no-no's for pixel art. It's a really great learning experience and really excited to see this forward.

Another Rap artist portrait of one of my all time favorites Eminem (Slim Shady). In elementary school and high school I pretty much grew up listening to him. You know during those days where you had to pay a friend to burn you a mix CD. I remember the first time I saw Eminem was watching BET with my brother then "Hi My Name Is" came on. We both remember thinking who the hell is this guy? Man this dude does not have a chance.

I was having a lot of fun messing around with my Kickpixel site and pixeling shoes, that I thought I would give portraits a try. I'm also thinking of making a separate portfolio for my pixel art. Would be awesome to market this style I think. Here is another side project I forgot to blog post about. I wanted to challenge myself to do an interior this style. So what better place than the mode of transport I'm most at THE "GLORIOUS" TTC SUBWAY SYSTEM.
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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