These are some recent sketches I did while I was at the ROM. Always nice to go and sketch since things are either motionless or stuffed. But all for the sake of drawing...right?

Here are some sketches, unfortunatley I had to go Sonic the Hedgehog mode since I got there with 2hrs to closing time. Anyways, heres the ones that made the cut!

Some sculpture in the Roman section, would love to have set up shop there earlier but I know next time, fo sho!

I really had fun drawing the Rhino, much easier then drawing a Rhino at the zoo. Also 180% less smelly.

Some sketches of the Maya exhibit. Wasn't allowed to take photos so it was a great oppertunity to sketch. If there's one thing I learned, its that the Mayans sure loved there Incence burners.

Hidey Ho Neighboureeno, here is a new illustration for Canadian Lawyer on Fracking. Hydraulic Fracturing or "Fracking" is the act of getting natural gas, petroleum by creating fractures below the surface. This system is highly useful however there is great potential risks involved. Many chemicals are used in the process, and can effect nearby water systems of communities.

I'm trying alot of Ebony Pencil nowadays after I seen Sam Bosma use it in alot of his sketches. It's really fun to use.
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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