Well not really cold, but I just wanted to sing that. First person to guess where the tittle is from gets 10 imaginary points! Ok so moving on, here is an illustration for Canadian Lawyer In-house. This was my first full page illustration for Canadian Lawyer, prior to this I had illustrated spots for them. The article was about in-house lawyers helping to fight global warming.

Above is the initial concept, below is the developed rough. I actually did the roughs while I was in NY visiting. Thanks to Nimit for letting me use his tablet

and thanks for the hotels crappy but free wifi #firstworldproblems.

A new illustration for Killscreen's Dance Central 2 Review. The review is more of a parody of Dance Central 2. Instead of the poses for the dances they wanted to show the dances people might do offscreen. Things like "The Breather" and my favorite "Haters gonna Hate" dances. Check out the full review HERE.

Above are some roughs and examples of the angle I was going for. I had a lot of fun making these simple characters. It was nice to keep it simple and let the body language speak for itself.
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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