I Said Brrrrr, its Cold In Here
Well not really cold, but I just wanted to sing that. First person to guess where the tittle is from gets 10 imaginary points! Ok so moving on, here is an illustration for Canadian Lawyer In-house. This was my first full page illustration for Canadian Lawyer, prior to this I had illustrated spots for them. The article was about in-house lawyers helping to fight global warming.
Above is the initial concept, below is the developed rough. I actually did the roughs while I was in NY visiting. Thanks to Nimit for letting me use his tablet
and thanks for the hotels crappy but free wifi #firstworldproblems.
Above is the initial concept, below is the developed rough. I actually did the roughs while I was in NY visiting. Thanks to Nimit for letting me use his tablet
and thanks for the hotels crappy but free wifi #firstworldproblems.