Media Giant

Financial Post

Two illustrations for Financial Post. The above piece was last weeks investing illustration and below is this weeks!

Media Giant (Above): With BCE (Bell Canada Enterprises) purchase of CTV. Bell has transformed themselves into a media giant.


Financial Post

Unnoticed: Of all the countries of the BRIC (Brazil Russia India China). Russia was always the most undervalued and overlooked country. However due to of a series of events Russia looks to pop out as the main star.

Something I felt was lacking in some of my illustrations was a establishing a sense of foreground middle ground background. Many times because of time constraint and tight deadlines from the Post, I would be guilty of skipping middle grounds or foregrounds.

Who To Talk To?

Inside Counsel

Recent Illustration I did for Inside Counsel's September issue. The article was about whether an arbitrator can enforce an arbitration agreement. The question narrows down to if the issue is with the arbitrator itself or the arbitration. A new rule states that problems with the arbitration go to the arbitrator and problems with the arbitrator go to the court. Yeah...I know wow thats a lot of arbitration going on.

Flocking To Safety(Black and White)

Financial Post

This was an quick B&W illustration I did last Saturday for the Financial Post (Around 3-4hrs). The Investing Feature was about investors flocking to bonds and safe investments over economic uncertainty. However with many of these investments, the returns are very low.

I had the idea of birds flocking South to avoid the harshness of winter. However when they reached South all they were met with was a crowded bird filled island.


Canadian Lawyer

Hello Blogiverseee!!! Last two weeks have been crazy busy, preparing and being at Fan Expo. BUT! I'm back with a piece done for Canadian Lawyer.

Equals: ODR's (Online Dispute Resolution) have become a new and common solution to settle disputes. Many people prefer settling small claims online, rather than going through the process of attending a courtroom and seeing a judge. In that sense the computer has made itself equal to the judges role.
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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