Kessels Kramer has started a big project involving many illustrators from around the world. The project consists of creating a Tapestry which will tell the tale of the current events of our time. The Tapestry consists of black and white illustrations from many different artists depicting a week of the year. This is based off the Bayeux Tapestry which tells the story of the major news events of 1066.

This weeks investing feature!: The third quarter earnings in the market are doing great and delivering better than what was expected for investors. Even showing some of the growth that investors were craving but they are not satisfied anymore. They want more, and to top it off they're picky on what they want.

I haven't really done fun characters in awhile, I used to include them all the time in School pieces but strayed away from them to try something new.

Here is this weeks Financial Post Investing Feature! There is a current high risk of buying Bonds. Prices for Bonds are really high and interest rates are low. There is a mountain to climb for investors if they really want to invest in bonds.

Lesson of the week: What is a Bond? Bonds are kind of like an IOU. So an investor agrees to loan money to a company. But that money is agreed at a certain interest rate to payback.

I'm happy to announce i'll be apart of the Ohger community! Ohger is run by the same people from Illoz and Drawger. It's a new community site featuring students and recently graduated students.

see my page here!

Sooo that means i'll be also posting on that blog as well.

So after a brief hiatus, the investing illustrations are back! yay! This weekends article is about Australia markets; There has been an amazing record of 17 years of economic growth and still going In Australia. They also have even been able to avoid the latest recession. Comparably China's markets have been strong but really unstable. Australia find themselves jumping past the Chinese and the rest of the emerging Asian markets.

I was recently featured in Area Zinc an online magazine. Along with many great photographers, graphic artists, illustrators and Yuta (haha).
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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