Oh Manny Ramirez you little trouble maker you. This illustration is based the news about Manny's 50 game suspension for being caught using P.E.D's (Performance Enchaning Drugs). Article here

It was nice to do something sports related, i'm really involved in sports news and anything related to it. However I never really combine my love for that and art.

So last month I sent an email to Bonterra productions (which produces Mantracker) with the aim of possibly getting Mantracker to see it. I got an email from Ihor Macijiwsky the executive producer of Bonterra, who really liked the image and wanted some prints for the studio.

I was recently featured on illustrophile! Check it out here.

Pete Ryan recently interviewed me on his interview site Nonslick!!! I'm really excited and honored! Go check it out now here!! Also check out the other great interviews on there!

Also I'm leaving for Montreal tomarrow!!! I've never been sooooo here's hoping it's fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yaaaaah!!!all images present are © of Juan Carlos Solon

Oh hi there didn't see you come in, well since your here join me for a little trip. A trip I like to call......ok I lost the joke. Anyways here is the final for my Barack Berry Bold image. I'm developing my own theories on what inks you can mix and cannot, and its been a tough process but I'm learning a lot. Here's the the process!!

This is the initial sketch I did right away when I thought of the idea, I wasn't thinking of making it into a final at this point.

So two posts in one day? IMPOSSIBLE you say?, Ha I scoff at you and say YES...YES I CAN!! (queue the sparse clapping.) So I thought of this when I was on the couch reading and playing with my black berry bold while pretending to read. I had a good awkward laugh by myself, and sketched it out. I kind of like the image, I think I'll develop this more!! So technically I guess this is a progress post.

Here's something I did in the morning to officially start "Hey guess what your not in school anymore so you have to do work from home now" day. I think when you have the itch to try some new things out you should always scratch it, but not too much or you might need some ointment.
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