I've been having a lot of fun drawing caricatures of my favorite action stars. Especially doing the research and watching all the bad terrible (but curiously amazing) action movies. This caricature of Arnold Schwarzenegger was inspired by this image of him. After looking at that I thought, wouldn't it be awesome in a crazy what-if world. If Arnold was president he would just sit in the oval office with his sword like a barbarian conquerer in the movies? I mean, the guy has done so much that he pretty much is a conquerer. The pose was inspired by the scene in the end of "Conan The Barbarian" where Old King Conan sits on his throne and stares sternly into the screen while the conclusion rolls.

These guys were done for my Art Direction class. We had to make a piece which showed our process as an artist. Donna Braggins mentioned the way I work with my sketchbook, was like a gymnast because whenever I was stuck with a problem. I would write side ways upside down and every which way. So each event represents a play on gymnastic events relating to finding an idea. I had a lot of fun making these and thinking of the solutions.

The great Steven Seagal!! juggling all the many things hes done throughout his life. I've watched way too many Seagal movies this week, my eyes hurt and I feel like suddenly growing a pony tail.
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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