"An Apple A Day"

One of the thing's visually I love to do is incorporate text with image. I always love how words can work with an illustration. It adds that something extra for the viewer to be engaged (plus I can draw my jokes and force you to read them..HA). I thought of this while eating an apple by myself and then thought of the image in my head, and laughed out loud. Come to think of it, that sounds really sad...but hey the result was funny?

2010 is just around the corner. A new year, new beginnings and a fresh start. I have so many people to thank this year and can't fit them all in this post. I just want to say to everyone who supported,motivated,angered,frustrated,took a chance,cared,loved and most importantly made me laugh, Thank You!without you I would not be where I am today.

"First To Last"

Financial Post: December 19th 2009

Investing Feature this week: An old investor adage from Sir John Templeton states "buy when pessimism is at its maximum, sell when optimism is at its maximum." Stocks that are down most of the time are sure to go back up. The stocks that were last will eventually be first.Gigi Suhenic who directed me on this piece wanted me to go with the "Last to First" direction.

"2010 Sneak Peek"

Financial Post: December 12th 2009

Investing Feature this week: A sneak peek look at the markets in 2010, the outlook of some are not so good. Someone pointed out that this guy actually looks like me. I only noticed after when I was finished that yes...it looks like me.

I just posted some sketches on my Costa Rica trip on my Ohger page check it out HERE!

In other news www.juansolon.com is now cleaner, stronger and 10% sexier so go check it out!! (ok maybe not exactly in those words).

"A Time to Buy, Not Grow"

Financial Post: November 28th 2009

I'M BACK! from Costa Rica!!. The trip was a blast and I'll soon make a post with pictures and sketches on the whole trip. BUT! for now this is last weekends Investing Feature: With the global economy slowly mending itself; companies are finding it easier to make money by buying into companies rather than grow a company. I used the black more as outlines rather than the object itself on this one.

I leave for Costa Rica tomorrow! I'm not really done packing nor do I want to keep packing because I hate packing. I don't like the word packing either. SO! instead of that fun stuff I just decided to sketch up something completely random and try some new things. I admit many times I have techniques I wanna try out but never really light the fire under myself to try them out. I'm glad I tried this out before I leave, maybe I'll take it further or even bust out the acrylics?! Who knows...

I had the amazing privilege of being apart of Rogue Magazine's Drawn Together. Featuring 16 Filipino Artists and their works! I'm really excited to see everything in print and really happy to be apart of something like this. I've been a fan of the magazine for awhile so it makes it even cooler to be in it!

Check out the unedited transcripts here. Many Many thanks to Miguel Mari and Cliff Sawit!

I leave for Costa Rica soon!! Here is some appropriate music to listen too.

Last Saturday's Investing Feature for Financial Post: Big Canadian companies such as Shoppers Drug Mart, Tim Hortons and Canadian tire are favored names in the Canadian Market. However the performance compared to some peers in the United states has been underwhelming. Many of the Canadian companies seem to plateau very quickly, while the U.S competitors are still in for the ride.

Investing Feature for last Saturday! Real Estate Investment Trusts or REIT's have rode the recovery smartly. Does this promise new frontiers for REIT's and will they be a solid bet for investors? I did a previous piece about REIT's here. It was tough to figure out a solution because I did an illustration about REIT's from before, and with a very quick turn around within hours; it was tough to find a solution.

Kessels Kramer has started a big project involving many illustrators from around the world. The project consists of creating a Tapestry which will tell the tale of the current events of our time. The Tapestry consists of black and white illustrations from many different artists depicting a week of the year. This is based off the Bayeux Tapestry which tells the story of the major news events of 1066.
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