I was reading alot of articles on the future on doping. To me its been some sort of olympic event in itself. The scientists being the athletes competing ahead to find new ways to enhance the body, legal or not.

I was watching Track and Field and saw the big shotput guys, I thought i'd draw an illustration of one! I enjoyed the process on this one and was happy to make alot of happy accidents!

all images present are © of Juan Carlos Solon

I got a new sketchbook!! Ooo how I love my Fabriano redbricky hardcover thingys. I tried for fun to redraw the straw guy in my last illustration, I think I like him in this version than the other version.

For some reason I was plagued with the idea all today to draw something portraying society's use of gasoline. I went through numerous ideas (some I might even do still) and even finished one idea that didn't end up looking the way I wanted to. Anyways this one seemed the most simple and straight forward. I was working on ideas since the afternoon and I'm glad to get this monkey off my back!! (Especially since this idea came last minute at like 12am) its 3 AM Juan sleepytime mode activate.

Last week, I was one of many lucky people to have a kidney stone. During that fun filled week, I thought i'd do an illustration during the ordeal to commemorate the fantastic feeling of kidney stones. Well you know what they say "When life gives you lemons, Dont drink it because if you have Kidney stones you should be drinking water or cranberry juice to help push it out of your system".
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