This is a personal illustration I did on the BBC podcast : Congo's Contract of the Century, explaining Chinas deal with the DRC to allow China to mine valuble minerals in Congo. Can be listened to Here

There were many angles I could of gone with this podcast, such as the important matter of whether the money that China is bringing to Congo will go to the people that really need it the most. In the end though, I felt this gave a better feel for everything.

I was looking through some old albums and found alot of funny pictures of me back home.

Heres Adrian Brody, I tried to mimic the way I did the Rampage Jackson portrait, because I really like how it turned out.

I watched The Darjeeling Limted and all the characters were so unique I wanted to draw them all! So first off heres Jason Schwartzman! You gotta love his stache in the movie, very 80's pornstar.

I came home late today, and on the drive back I was listening to "The Good The Bad The Ugly" with Consequence and Kanye West. After listening to it like 15times in a row I had the urge to draw a caricature of Kanye! I ran out of room on the top to do his forehead, so it doesnt look exactaly like him. For some reason everytime I look at it he looks like Will Smith haha. Oh well!

This summer I have also been cooping with Kagan Mcleod, who has taught me a vast amount of illustration know-how.

This is a personal illustration I did when listening to the BBC podcast: The Bomb Hunters. The story is about the deadly trade in Laos where people are salvaging unexpoded bombs for money. The problem is many bombs are still active so it is still very dangerous.

The illustration comments on risk vs reward, and how with great reward comes and even bigger risk.

I had so much trouble with this one, I initially had a guy farming bombs but I just couldnt get the image to look right.

Heres my piece for The National Post's Arts and Life section today!! Im really excited about it, and I gotta thank Kagan Mcleod on helping me through the whole process.
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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