This is a sketch during philosophy class of my Professor. I don't usually use pencil, because I second guess myself too much when I use it. I tried applying what I learned when using pen and seeing if some principles are applicable to pencil.

Here is a random character drawing I did after a disappointing all you can eat sushi adventure. Since I'm classy, I wont name this place that had terrible service and is on Dundas near the Shell station..woops..errr uhhh. Achem, anyways me being a person who likes putting his emotions on paper I thought id make this scary looking dude here. I tried a bunch of different things some I like some I don't.

My Titanic/Godzilla/Shaq sized frustration with interp turned into I have no idea. Anger and frustration is shown everywhere on this, FUN! and saddening.

Its funny how sometimes journeys lead you to unlikely destinations. This friday while working on an assignment, I had a HUGE art block. Pretty much for a couple of hours on working on a roughs I had the exact same thing from when I started. It was pretty frustrating, considering I needed some booze in me and I couldnt do that unless I had SOMETHING done. So late into the night I decided to stop doing my roughs and Yuta suggested I just do my own thing.

Heres some sketches from a recent sketchbook I put in early retirement.

Wow, so 2 weeks ago I sent my laptop for repairs. I get it back Monday, and whenever I go on it the screen turns black for no apparent reason and I cant do anything. THAT being said thats why I haven't really posted in awhile, also because no scanners in Sheridan freaking work for some reason.

ANYWAYS I digress. Recently I've been truly impressed by Nimit and Yuta's personal pieces. Which in-turn lead me on a confusing/depressing road to my own personal piece.
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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