This is our first assignment getting back from 1st semester. It was a recipe project where we had to make a recipe for something. I did a Recipe for mooching coffee...yes I know Coffee is spelled wrong. I tried to keep the energy through the whole thing very fast, so I guess I went a little too out of hand.

Second semester....ohhhh a fresh new start..kinda. This semester I promised I would try to leave my pen work open to more color. I've been trying but since all semester last year all I did was black and white, its a little hard getting out of that groove. I got a Kolinksy brush as a birthday present last week thanks to Charm!!,Steve,Jermaine and Yuta!!!!!!. WOW WHAT SUPER PEOPLE!!!! lol. anyways heres two things I did with some color.

Woohooo back to school!!! First of all I wanna thank Dave Webber for helping me out in my car fiasco, without him I wouldn't be at school this week! ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR HIM!! Moving on, I was watching "A View to Kill" with Roger Moore and Christopher Walken and there was this funny looking dude with a mustache talking to 007. I just bought a new brush pen so I put it to use, and made a loosely based character of him.

I wrote a post which relates to this one might help understand the story abit.

I was watching "Pardon the Interruption" and they were talking about Clemens and the steroid scandal. I had my sketchbook handy at the time and quickly sketched him. Clemens is trying to clear his name of all the alleged reports against him, that he used performance enhancing drugs.

Well the holidays are over, and I'm pretty happy to go back to school!! Relaxing and eating ridiculous amounts of food is all and fun but it does get boring. Speaking of boring...well not that boring, Discovery channel for some strange amazingly sick reason decided to do marathons of Mythbusters. Of course me loving the show had to watch every single one they played on air. Problem is they play till 5-6am in the morning, and thats where I would be sitting on my bed like a zombie watching.
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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