So I'm done another sketchbook, and for the last few pages I decided to have some fun with the pages! Heres the results!!

Initially I was drawing an owl....somehow magic turned it into a rat

Aaron from my class, at least I hope he is after this.

Finally heres a post!!. So for some reason I've been obsessed with Robocop lately. Mainly because I watched it for the first time last week (ya I know I suck). Anyways so I was at Charm's house and one of her little brothers has a toy that looked like robocop, SOOOOO instead of watching the Toronto Raptors blow there 6 point halftime lead, I did a robodrawing!!. Oh, and the birds on robo man are there because, Charm's brother said to me while I was drawing...

I did this during life drawing to try to combine what I've been doing recently with a model. The drawing is overly exaggerated but I feel it goes well with the paint blobs.

One of the stupid things about me is that I have random impulses to do random things. So I'm sitting in front of my computer last night, and out of nowhere I have an urge to draw a Native American.

Theres something about this bird that I really like and the color strokes on it just fits really well, but I have no clue why. The bird was from the illustration hallway where theres a display of different animals. I just quickly drew one but didn't finish it. Yuta was playing with these Ceram colors and I asked him to put some on his body randomly.

Its Halloween! uhhh ya...soooo be sure to wait a couple days so you can buy discounted candy...achem.....
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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