So today I was super frustrated with an assignment, I just had a huge mental block, and couldn't think of any ideas. So, after doing laps with a scooter around class, I decided to just draw whatever I wanted. I was looking at Esquire and Golf Punk so I felt like drawing someone cool with a suit. This summer I did a mustache man with a colored background and isolated with black.

With all my friends updating there blogs, I felt I should keep up with the "Jonses'" (wow I'm so totally cool). So ya I bought a new sketchbook, I thought I'd get a different book, so I got this one thats like ultra landscape format. It kinda makes me think differently when I'm drawing on it, so I'm liking that part a lot! BANZAI!! (I colored it with photoshop)

Oh forgot to add, I drew a samurai because I was doing research on them for an essay.

After rigorous deliberation, I've decided to put one of my sketchbooks into early retirement :(...The paper was just sooooooo bad for multi-media..thats what you get for buying "sale" sketchbooks. Here are a few pages I did!! (try to guess who the 1st guy is hehehohokeke)

..Because everyone needs a drawing of Simon

I tried to apply some pen techniques to this one, theres some proportion issues going on, but I still like the overall feel of it.

Heres a class assignment we had to do for a 5 second interstitial.

Oh pen and ink how do I finish you off?? (thats what she said) achem. SO this was for a project where we had to illustrate perfection. Perfection to me is an involved self-sacrifice. The person above is widdling himself to achieve a skinnier form, but in order to achieve his vision of perfection he has to go through a process of sacrifice. This is the pen and ink version, and I am very happy how it turned out, but stupid me doesn't know how to finish it.

So I kinda wanted to share some recent sketchbook pages with my blogging audience ( all 5 of you, hi mom). I just wanna first explain that in my 2nd year of school, The goal of my sketchbook was just to make everything look pretty, something that someone will see and go WOW at (not that theres anything wrong with that of course). However the thing was, I found myself in a hole where what I knew people liked and responded well to, I just kept drawing and repeating the same thing.

Heres what I did for the spot illustration assignment, where we had to take random stats and illustrate them. I tried to do a mix of traditional with my inking and digital with the flat colors. I think it would have looked a lot better if it was all traditional though, I lost a lot of my line work through the scanning process. Anyways the top left one is about how Americans consume 150 000 000 hot dogs a year on July 4th. The second one is how Britons buy books to make them look smarter.

This sketch I pumped out during class where I just felt like drawing whatever I felt like drawing. For some reason I still feel I'm in that hole where I like the direction my sketches are going. However when it comes to finals, something in me totally blocks up and I just get tight and meticulous with my media (which is not what I want to do).

Hopefully ill just get frustrated enough and break out of that shell.
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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