So today, after a very frustrating and 18+ Golf ball losing round at the golf course, I decided to vent my frustration on paper. The aim was to keep drawing and drawing until I relaxed a bit. After about five minutes I felt a lot better than I did before. Its funny to me that even though I was frustrated, my sketch has very happy overtones too it, which I find ironic (errr is that even ironic??). Its very weird that some of my creative energy or "Jesus Juice" comes from when I'm very frustrated with something. I'm not sure what that means, but me writing the word Juice makes me very thirsty.

One of the last pictures I took on my dying camera was of the elephant, I saved the last shots for the big guys. I really like sketching elephants they stay pretty still, and there huge size allow you to see a lot of details within there body.

I never had experienced drawing camels before, but like the elephants they stood very still and it was really easy drawing them.

I was inspired by the last cat thing I did with the flat colors. I wanted to experiment more with that rough vs clean style. I took a few photos two days ago in my trip to Toronto and looked at some of those for inspiration for my sketch. Umm I guess thats about it... my Montreal Bagel is done and I'm hungry.

Its James Jean, enough said no explanation the name alone is enough.all images present are © of Juan Carlos Solon

A little different than the other one, but I'm very pleased how it turned out (except that raccoon looking cat, thats kinda funny).all images present are © of Juan Carlos Solon

Heres the rough I am doing for a ABC project I am in. I have the letter C and to represent C I have chosen "Communist Cats Craving Chocolate Cookies"...Constructive crit's are needed!! Its hard out of school to get different voices critting your work sooo ya. Id be very thankful if you did :)


So I had a huge case of artist block today which was really frustrating. My pen and inking was terrible, I tried to paint and that was horrible and my sketching was just (insert negative adverb). So I decided to take a nap, mainly to avoid mowing the lawn, but really just to let my mind rest. When I woke up, I forced myself to sketch whatever I wanted regardless how it looked, just to shake the cobwebs out. Lo and behold I came out this this sketch up top.

My summer workspace!!...kinda sad but it worksall images present are © of Juan Carlos Solon

So I was not too pleased by the piece below that I finished today. So I thought I would do another piece for a group narrative project that I am part of (consisting of Jessica and Craig). Hopefully when were done we can somehow show the whole thing online somehow. I approached this a bit differently, I felt on the poker piece I was way to tight with my lines and doing so led me to be more conscious about mistakes. On this one I kind of let loose, and whatever happened I pretty much just let be.

Recently it dawned upon me that I should be doing more pieces to benefit myself (ok really it was tessar). I love drawing characters and expressing their different emotions within a in scene, so what better scene to draw than a poker table. I started with the emo looking guy on the right side who sort of resembles me if I wished I had facial hair (WHICH I DO). I'll leave it up to the viewer on whats going on within the scene.
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