So I was at work today reading about the Mitchell Report. Basically, Bud Selig the commissioner of MLB asked George Mitchell (ex-senator) to investigate illegal substance use in baseball. He released some big names that were attached with illegal substances like Roger Clemens and of course Barry Bonds. After reading the article, my views on baseball were relatively the same even before I read it. Everyone pretty much knows theres illegal substance usage in baseball, and anyone who still watches it probably doesn't care. For me I just want the cheaters caught, and want to see the Yankees win the friggin World Series....again.

Anyways enough about that, I was bored today after I got home from work and all that I could think about was baseball.

Heres my final project video for computer class. Initially it was supposed to be a serious Star Wars Video, but ya clearly it isn't. I had tons of fun doing this.

So while I was waiting for my movie to render I decided to try something fun.

I tried combining my line work with a texture scan.

Its almost the end of the semester, and with that brings a lot of stress. Last week I felt a little stressed about assignment deadlines that were lurking about.So I drew this, when I was working on my essay to alleviate some stress. I'm pretty sure you can tell how I was feeling.

For some reason, I absolutely love Star Wars, but I hardly draw characters or anything Star Wars related. So when my friend Chris persuaded me to do our final computer projects on Star Wars.

So I kinda promised (and I hope I keep this promise up) to post at least 3 times a week. It will give me a nice record of my progress throughout this term. Sooooo having said that, I broke in my new sketchbook with a PICTURE!!! WOWZ!! This was supposed to be me, but it doesn't look like me, I used Christmas colors because hey, its that time of year people!!

FYI Chris Rea- Driving home for Christmas, is the best Christmas song ever, if you dispute me, I will cut you.

(ill post pics of the sleeve in action later!!)

This was for a coffee Sleeve assignment we just did, where we had to design a sleeve for a Pearson Airport "Terminal One" Coffee Company. There were three themes to choose from: 1) Jet Fuel 2) Red Eye 3) Sky Blue. I chose to do the theme "Red Eye". Initially a bunch of my sketches didn't even have an owl in them.

So I'm done another sketchbook, and for the last few pages I decided to have some fun with the pages! Heres the results!!

Initially I was drawing an owl....somehow magic turned it into a rat

Aaron from my class, at least I hope he is after this.

Finally heres a post!!. So for some reason I've been obsessed with Robocop lately. Mainly because I watched it for the first time last week (ya I know I suck). Anyways so I was at Charm's house and one of her little brothers has a toy that looked like robocop, SOOOOO instead of watching the Toronto Raptors blow there 6 point halftime lead, I did a robodrawing!!. Oh, and the birds on robo man are there because, Charm's brother said to me while I was drawing...

I did this during life drawing to try to combine what I've been doing recently with a model. The drawing is overly exaggerated but I feel it goes well with the paint blobs.
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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