Han Old Buddy Dont Let Me Down

Im done my 2nd sketchbook of the semester....congrats me NOW!!!!all images present are © of Juan Carlos Solon

Old School Sketchbook #pewpew

I got this from an old finished sketchbook long ago...long ago meaning September, Anyways....it's an elephant...or a dude in a Elephant costume...wtf is this..man I have problems

all images present are © of Juan Carlos Solon


So Yuta says. " Juan why dont you post any finals?" then I say " Shut up, I dont understand what your saying OKAY?". But really why dont I post finals? #1) My Finals always suck #2) Shut up its my buisness. ANYWAYS we were all bored in the hall this week so we just started sketching, because we all wanna be next level. So I drew my buddy Chris Coles with ballpoint pen, and yes of course ink.


This was a rough for my fortune cookie assignment, the fortune was " Dont give up the best is yet to come".


I did this one with my inks, Looking at the self portrait I did before, I kinda missed messing arond with bright assholish colours, Sooo I did and the scanning is kinda shitty but you get the idea..looks alot better in my book though. ** This is rescanned and I took of her retarded eye...

Old Sketchbook #2

I did these with my tria markers that I never ever use, because I like to buy things I think I need. Anyways I did this with pure marker, so when I fucked my eye line, I really couldnt erase and change it.. anyways uhhh thats about it.. I want bugoki.

Old Sketchbook #1

This is a really shitty scan from my house scanner. Ill hopefully post a better and complete version. Anyways this is from my old sketchbook from the beginning of the year. I remember just messing around in Research class and drew some bignose guy by accident so I just randomly decided to make a nice drawing of it. This was with Pencil, Highlighter and Marker. I love how scrubbish my straight lines are....


A Doodle I did before starting the fortune cookie assignment, Did this with inks and yes ballpoint pen..I REALLY gotta start drawing something happy lol.


A double pager...I woke up one day and suddenly decided to do it!!...its kinda random but worked out in the end..sorta..kinda chep

all images present are © of Juan Carlos Solon


Watercolor wash with ballpoint pen...I really gotta stop using it but whatever, I keep meaning to finish this but it kinda looks finished in a weird way...whatevs

all images present are © of Juan Carlos Solon
Juan Carlos In the Interwebs
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